New Year’s Swim
53 brave divers participated yesterday to “Dive in the new year” in Levanto
The event, organized by the tourist consortium “Occhioblu – Levanto Informa” and sponsored by the communal administration, has assembled numerous veterans of the “baths outside season” and many adventurers in Piazzetta Agnelli (Levanto) at 11:30am on January 2nd.

The weather conditions were excellent: water temperature was 10° C while the outside thermometer read 14°C. There was a beautiful sun and very little wind. Someone commented “Today the weather is quite warm, it seems nearly spring. Since the 1970’s I traveled around Italy without missing this event once!!!”

“It has not been a great test of courage” say a woman who has faced the water with the smile considering that her “last dive was in Voltri with O° temperature”.
Other divers came from Aosta, Bergamo, Modena and Parma; someone even from Moscow. The youngest diver was only 8 years old.
The delegation of the locals, guided by Beppino Perrone, were happy with the event. “I always swim in November” says someone emerging from the water and refusing a towel. “I think for a bathing locality like ours, also in the winter period, this initiative is good in order to promote the village (of Levanto).”
Applause from the people who have crowded the beach and the “promenade” in order to assist the other people’s “Impresa”, all dressed with heavy coats, and after the brave performance vin bruè, warm chocolate and pandolce for all the participants (that also they have gained a good homage for the next “Mangialonga”) .